About JIST
Dr. V. V. Pillay
Poison Control Centre,AIMS, Cochin, Kerala.
Dr. Anand B. Mugadlimath
Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
SN Medical College, Bagalkot, Karnataka.
Forensic Consultant,
International Committee of the Red Cross, Regional Delegation- New Delhi.
Dr. Mandar R. Sane
Associate Professor
Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
AIIMS, Nagpur, Maharashtra.
Joint Editor
Dr Chandrakant Kokatanur
Professor and Head
Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad, Dist- Satara Maharashtra
Joint Editor
Dr. Vidusha Vijay
Assistant Professor
Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
CDSIMER, Dayanand Sagar University
Joint Editor
Dr. Varsha R Patil
Assistant Professor,
Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
PES University Institute of Medical Sciences,
Joint Editor
Dr Aaditya Rameshwara
Assistant Professor
Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Sree Gokulam Medical College and Research Foundation, Venjaramoodu, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Editorial Board Member cum Reviewers
Sl No | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. Ravindra Honnungar | Prof & HOD, KAHER’s JNMC, Belagavi |
2 | Dr. Vijaymahantesh SN | Prof, SNMC, Bagalkot |
3 | Dr. Aadamali Nadaf | Prof & I/c HOD, KIMS, Hubli |
4 | Dr. Sunil S Kadam | Prof & HOD, BharatiVidypeeth (DU) Medical College, Sangli |
5 | Dr. Pramodkumar GN | Prof & HOD, KIMS, Karwar |
6 | Dr. Shankar M Bakkannavar | Asso Prof , KMC Manipal, MAHE, Manipal |
7 | Dr. Chandrakant Kokatnur | Prof, KIMS, Karad |
8 | Dr. Nilesh Tumram | Prof, Govt. Medical College, Chandrapur |
9 | Dr. Somashekar Pujar | Asso Prof, KAHER’s JNMC, Belagavi |
10 | Dr. Venktesh Maled | Prof, SDMCMS&H, Dharwad |
11 | Dr. Hemanth Kumar RG | Asso Prof, GMC Kannur, Kerala |
12 | Dr. Chandrashekar Bhuyyar | Asso prof, BLDE, Bijapur |
13 | Dr. Deepa Durga Roy | Asst Prof, Banaras Hindu University |
14 | Dr. Shailesh Parate | Asso Prof, AIIMS Rishikesh |
15 | Dr. Ashim Kumar Mishra | Asso Prof, Great Eastern Medical College, Srikakulam, AP |
16 | Dr. Amandeep Singh | Professor, GMCH Chandigarh |
17 | Dr. Pradeep Kumar Mishra | Professor & Head, Govt. Medical College Ratlam |
18 | Dr. Vivek Kumar | Asst Prof, North Bengal Medical College & Hospital, Siliguri |
19 | Dr. Rashmi Kulkarni | Research Associate, SAIMS, Indore |
20 | Dr. Shashank Tyagi | Asst Prof, Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi |
21 | Dr. Anand P. Rayamane | Asst Prof, MMC, Mysore |

Language: English
Frequency: Biannual
0973-3558 (Print)
0973-3566 (Electronic)
0973-3558 (Linking)
LCCN: 2013411709
Hazardous Substances/poisoning;
Poisoning; Toxicology
Indexed/Abstracted/Listed with:
MEDLINE/Index Medicus [through World Health Organisation (WHO) for SEAR countries], CAB Abstracts,
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)
PUBLONS© (Web of Science Group)
Indian Science Abstracts
(Research Impact Indicator: 0.022, Indian Citation Index)
NCBI National Library of Medicine ID: (NLM, Locator Plus) 101321567 [Serial]