Plagiarism Policy
The authors must guarantee that they have submitted entirely original work and if they have used the work of others and/or words of others, then that has been appropriately cited or referenced. Editors checks issues of plagiarism looking into which part of the article is plagiarized. Despite these methods in place, some slip may happen and Editors welcome these to be brought to our notice by writing an email to The publication of the article shall always be subject to the right of the journal to retract and remove the article from its website if it is found at any time that the article is violating the plagiarism policy.
Review Process:
Journal of Indian Society of Toxicology (JIST) follows all standard norms of double-blind peer review process. The peer-review process is double blinded, i.e., the reviewers do not know who the authors of the manuscript are and the authors do not have access to the information of who the peer-reviewers are. Reviewers are duly acknowledged on the Journal website. Appropriate confidentiality is maintained with complete anonymity in regards to the article review process.
- • Average time for initial editorial review – 03 to 04 days.
- • Average time for Blind review process – 07 to 15 days.
- • Average time for acceptance of article after revision – 30-45 days.
For further details visit JIST Official webpage: Dashboard - Current Issue (
License and Copyright policy:
Post publication the Journal will be the copyright holder of the published work. Authors are permitted to deposit published work in a personal, institutional or other Open Access repository. Author are not permitted to deposit work which is still under consideration with the Journal.
Articles in the Journal of Indian Society of Toxicology are Open Access articles under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND). This license permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, is not changed in any way, and is not used for commercial purposes. Neither the Editor nor the Editorial Board Members & Referees can be held responsible for any statements of fact or opinion expressed in the published papers. All papers are published in good faith that the authors concerned have not infringed upon any copyrights, nor indulged in plagiarism.
Journal of Indian Society of Toxicology by IST is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Data Archiving policy:
All issues (from start of publication till date) are available free on the Journal website. In addition to above, issues of JIST are uploaded on publisher panel. Above are the deposits which JIST has done proactively. However, many indexing authorities themselves crawl the journal website and pick and index the article data.