Subject: Revised Annual subscription fees & Publication charges of Journal of Indian Society of Toxicology

Subscription Rates for Print Copies (from 2023)

Yearly Subscription fees: Biannual Journal (yearly two copies- Issue 1 & Issue 2).

 Individual (IST life member)  Rs. 3500/-  (Rs. Three thousand five hundred only)
 Individual (Non-member)  Rs. 6500/-  (Rs. Six thousand five hundred only)
 Institutional  Rs. 9,500/-  (Rs. Nine thousand five hundred only)

Publication charges*:

 Per author (IST life member)  Rs. 500/-  (Rs. Five hundred only)
 Per author (Non-member)  Rs. 1000/-  (Rs. One thousand only)

*- Additional Rs 500/- if the author wants a hard copy of the journal.

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