Vol.07 Issue No.1 (2011): Journal of Indian Society of Toxicology

Published Date: 07-Jan-2011

A New Initiative from the Indian Society of Toxicology

You are aware that the Indian Society of Toxicology has been engaged in the promotion of the cause of toxicology in India ever since its inception in 2004. It is heartening to note that the Society has made significant progress on various fronts, and today with a strength of more than 250 members drawn from various branches of this vibrant speciality, IST is moving forward from strength to strength. Aside from pursuing regular activities of any national professional body such as hosting annual conferences and seminars, we also have one of the best peer-reviewed journals (JIST) that has been publishing issues regularly without interruption for the last 6 years, instituted awards in recognition of various activities pertaining to toxicology, begun and maintained (continuously) weekly training programs in toxicology and biotechnology over the last 5 years, published the most exhaustive reference work on toxicology (Comprehensive Medical Toxicology), and even made a foray into innovative ventures, including the popular IST Question of the Week that is being e-mailed regularly to all members every week for the last 2 years.


In keeping with this tradition of “out-of-the-box” thinking, IST is planning to start another unique feature as part of its continuing efforts to popularize toxicology among medical, forensic and scientific professionals. We propose to begin a new program, the “IST Case of the Month”, the details of which are as follows:


1.      Every month (beginning from June 2011) IST will send through email to all members (life and annual), a brief case history pertaining to toxicology. All members who respond by email giving the correct answer as to which toxicant (poison/drug/toxin) is involved, will proceed to the next step.

2.      A set of 5 questions pertaining to the toxicant will be emailed to all the members who have cleared Step 1. Those members who furnish correct answers will proceed to the 3rd and final step.

3.      A series of 25 MCQs will be emailed pertaining to the toxicant to all members who have cleared Step 2. The members who furnish the maximum correct responses (subject to a minimum of 20) first will be declared the “IST Toxicologist of the Month” which entitles him/her to a cash prize of Rs.1000/- and a letter of appreciation from the IST headquarters.

4.      Any member who wins 4 times in a year (of a total of 12 chances) will be declared the “IST Toxicologist of the Year” which entitles him/her to a gold medal and a citation that will be given away in the following national conference or seminar. Thus, there could be 3 winners of the gold medal every year.

5.      In order to make this unique venture financially viable, only members who pay an entry fee of Rs. 200/- will be eligible to take part in the contest. All IST members are welcome to take part regardless of the nature of the membership (annual or life), the branch of toxicology (medical, forensic or any other branch), or the professional status (student, research scientist, faculty of any institute or laboratory).

6.      Entry fee must be paid by DD drawn in favour of “President, Indian Society of Toxicology” payable at Ernakulam, and sent by registered /speed post or by courier to the address mentioned below.

7.      Last date for payment of entry fee is 30 May 2011 (i.e., the fee must be received in this office by that date).


The Indian Society of Toxicology strongly encourages all members to take active part in this contest which will be educative, enlightening and entertaining. Do not miss this challenging opportunity of improving your fundamentals in toxicology, and of getting rewarded for your expertise and knowledge if you make the grade. The contest is aimed at stimulating your interest in toxicology and encouraging you to search and research all aspects from any source freely while tackling each case. The contest will test your basic knowledge in toxicology, ability to consult authentic resource material, and speed with which you solve each case. And in the process, you attain due recognition, be rewarded, and even make some legitimate money! What more can one ask for?


Do note that this unique venture can be financially viable if at least 100 members enter the contest. If not, the Society stands to lose money, and I am sure as a dedicated member, you will not allow that to happen.