Vol.06 Issue No.01 (2010): Journal of Indian Society of Toxicology

Published Date: 07-Jan-2010

A New Team – A New Dream


As promised in my previous editorial (Vol. 5, No. 2, 2009), when constituting the new EC (Executive Committee) of IST, and the EB (Editorial Board) of JIST for the next term, i.e., 2010-2012, we made suitable modifications to the memorandum of agreement to be signed by the executive and editorial board members in order to make them more accountable. After all, the Indian Society of Toxicology cannot continue to sustain itself, nor its journal, and maintain the quality that have been their hallmark, with the efforts of only a few members, while the others do precious little. I sincerely hope that the new teams will remember their promise and put in their best and most dedicated efforts in all our future endeavours.


The new teams are listed in the preliminary pages of this issue. As you will notice, the major posts of President, General Secretary, Treasurer and Editor remain the same. This is so, in spite of trying to bring in new individuals to these posts. Every single nomination form filled and returned by the IST members nominated the same team again! There was not even a single exception. While feeling vindicated that there is so much of faith reposed in the old guard, it is still a burden to bear! Not that we are complaining. But sooner or later one would like to take rest, a little respite. Perhaps that will come in 2012. In the meanwhile, let us accept our respective responsibilities, and carry the torch forward.



Before I close, may I remind all those IST members who have not sent in their currently active email IDs to do so immediately (to toxicology@aims.amrita.edu)? Most of the official communications in future from the IST and JIST headquarters will be via email, and those who are not on our list will lose out on all that, besides of course missing the regular and extremely popular IST Question of the Week that is emailed every week to all members.