T-wave Electrocardiographic Changes in Organophosphorous Compound Poisoning


  • Savitha Vijayakumar*#
  • M. Mahesh*
  • Sanoop Kovoorayyathu Sahadevan*
  • S.Mamatha**


cholinomimetics; electrocardiogram; toxic; myocarditis; pesticide; poisoning


In India, primarily an agrarian economy, various pesticides are easily available. Organophosphorous pesticide poisoning resulting from suicidal consum­ption is one of the major public health issues. Various electrocardiographic changes ranging from sinus tachycardia to ST elevation and Twave inversions have been reported in literature. In many cases ECG changes are usually nonspecific and unpredictable.We hereby present a case of acute organophosporous poisoning where the T wave ECG changes closely paralleled the clinical severity of intermediate syndrome. 

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