Bee Sting Induced Acute Myocardial Infarction?


  • Subhash Chandra BJ
  • Shashidhara KC
  • Venkatesh CR*
  • Narahari MG


Allergic angina; Bee sting; Hymenoptera sting; Kounis syndrome


Apart from anaphylaxis, myocarditis and transient conduction disturbances, allergic angina and acute myocardial infarction can follow a bee (Hymenoptera) sting. Kounis syndrome encompasses symptoms and signs of myocardial ischaemia accompanying allergic reactions. Coronary vasospasm due to release of vasoconstrictor cytokines, and vulnerability to plaque rupture due to release of matrix metalloproteinases from cardiac mast cells are thought to be the principal mechanisms.

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