To Death by Thallium – A Case of Thallium Poisoning


  • Venkatesha VT*
  • Viswakanth B**
  • Shruthi P*
  • Shreedhar NC***
  • Sujatha PL*


Homicidal poisoning; Thallium


Thallium is a systemic, metallic toxicant, which has high affinity for sulphydryl groups of cells and potassium binding sites throughout the body. Alopecia, painful peripheral neuropathy, gastrointestinal symptoms and visual disturbances are characteristic manifestations following thallium exposure. However, details with regard to thallium toxicity or management are not widely known to physicians.

In this case report, we present a misdiagnosed case of thallium poisoning, wherein timely diagnosis and specific treatment could have saved a life.

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