Mean Corpuscular Volume and Biochemical Markers of Alcoholism - A Comparative Study


  • Prashanth Kumar BG*
  • Sunil S Biradar**


Alcohol abuse; GGT (gamma glutamyl transferase); AST (aspartate amino transferase); ALT (alanine amino transferase); MCV (mean corpuscular volume)


Alcoholism is a serious health issue with major socioeconomic consequences. Significant morbidity is related to chronic alcohol use, and alcoholics seek advice only when complications of drinking set in. The diagnosis is often based on patients self-reporting of alcohol consumption, which is unreliable and requires high degree of clinical suspicion. However, if alcohol problems are recognized at an early stage, the physician may be able to prevent their further development and progression.

The present study compares the mean corpuscular volume (MCV) with other traditional biochemical markers in alcohol abuse patients and healthy controls. It is a prospective study, and 40 cases and 30 controls were evaluated for biochemical parameters over a period of one year.

The study revealed MCV to be possessing 87.5% sensitivity, 83.33% specificity, 87.5% of positive predictive value, 48.39% of negative predictive value and 54.29% of diagnostic accuracy, which makes it a reliable marker. The mean gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) concentrations in alcohol dependent subjects were higher as compared to controls. Though clinical histories and questionnaires are the commonest initial means of

detection of alcohol abuse, laboratory markers such as MCV should be used for confirming the diagnosis of alcohol abuse. They are also helpful in follow-up of patients undergoing treatment, and monitoring of abstinence.

Published Date
