Fatal Stings: Autopsy Findings in Scorpion Envenomation


  • Bardale RV*
  • Dixit PG**


Scorpion sting; Autopsy; Pulmonary oedema


Scorpion envenomation represents one of the common clinical emergencies in various parts of India. There is considerable literature regarding clinical manifestations and management protocols; however only a few studies are available dealing with autopsy findings. One of the reasons is that mortality is not very high in scorpion envenomation as compared to snakebite envenomation.

The present study describes autopsy findings derived from five cases that were autopsied during a five year period. Common site for scorpion sting appears to be some peripheral part of the body, and the sting mark is usually one in number. In the present series, toxic myocarditis was suspected in 3 cases, while one person manifested cardiogenic shock, and the other had respiratory distress syndrome with multiorgan failure.

At autopsy, pulmonary oedema was noted in all the cases, and a state of circulatory failure in 3 cases. Correlation of gross and microscopic findings suggest that a state of shock occurs, resulting in circulatory failure and subsequent multiorgan failure.

Published Date
