Bioaccumulation, Recovery and Toxicity of Copper in Some Vital Organs of Freshwater Crab Barytelphusa gureini


  • Akhter Ali Siddiqui
  • * Dieanna Dikki


Freshwater crab; Barytelphusa gureini; Copper; Bioaccumulation


Observation and results are presented of a detailed study of accumulation of copper measured from gills, muscles, hepatopancreas and small intestine of crab Barytelphusa gureini. The results indicate marked differences in the accumulation of copper in the above organs. Maximum accumulation of metal was observed in the gills and muscle as compared to hepatopancreas and small intestine. After recovery, the levels of copper in the various organs of the crab were below the maximum permissible


limits, and appear to be safe for human consumption.

Published Date
