Delayed death due to Hydrochloric acid containing toilet-cleaner poisoning: A case report


  • Divyesh Saxena*
  • Pradeep Kumar Mishra*#
  • Mandar Ramchandra Sane*
  • Jitendra Tomar*
  • Amit Yadav


hydrochloric acid; toilet - cleaner; corrosive


Corrosive injuries of the stomach are common in developing countries. The mortality and morbidity from corrosive poisonings is high in India and depends on the severity of initial damage caused by the corrosive agents before the patient reaches to hospital. An average home contains a dozen of different cleaning products. These account for a large number of accidental and suicidal poisonings. We discuss a case intentional self-harm by ingesting toilet cleaner containing higher amounts of hydrochloric acid and presented to the emergency department of Sri Aurobindo Medical College & Post Graduate institute, Indore. The different aspects of the case are discussed in detail in this paper.

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