Lipid Profiles in Cerebral and Hepatic Tissues of Wistar Rats During Chronic Phosphamidon Toxicity


  • Srikanth K
  • Sahitya Chetan P
  • Wisweswari G
  • Rajendra W*


Lipid peroxidation, Antioxidant, Free radi-cal, Phosphamidon


The possibility of alterations in function of lipids in struc-tural components of membranes such as storage, pro-tective coating on the surface, cell recognition, and tis-sue immunity during phosphamidon stress, prompted the present investigation.

Specifically chosen doses of phosphamidon, viz, acute dose (AD) (1/2 LD50, 6.63 mg/kg body wt/day), and sub-acute dose (ASD) (1/3 LD50; 0.10 mg/kg body wt/day) were administered to male Wistar rats orally by gavage. After the stipulated treatment period, brain and liver from these rats were examined for lipid profiles such as cho-lesterol triglycerides and phospholipids, using standard biochemical procedures.

An increase in lipid peroxidation in conjunction with re-duced levels of lipid profiles indicated that the lipid pro-files were variously affected depending on different al-tered chemical reactons in the tissues of animal under stress. The study shows that induced lipid peroxidation was on par with the reduced levels of lipid profiles, indi-cating that the lipid profiles under continued daily dosing of phosphamidon could generate free radicals, in spite of elevation in the levels of antioxidants, or antioxidant en-zyme activity, or both.

Published Date
