Biochemical Toxicity Study on Rat Brain upon Co-Exposure to Aluminium and Ethanol


  • Nayak P
  • * Das SK
  • ** Vasudevan DM***


aluminium, ethanol, rat brain, phosphatase, transferase, dehydrogenase


'Aluminium and alcohol are well known neurotoxins. Co-exposure of these neurotoxins has been studied in rats. Alcohol exposure significantly affected the aluminium content, protein content, acid phosphatase activity, alkaline phosphatase activity, alanine aminotransferase activity, glutathione-Stransferase activity, and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity of brain. Aluminium exposure, on the other hand, contributed significantly only in the alterations of aluminium content, acid phosphatase activity, and aspartate aminotransferase activity of brain of rats in the present study. The interaction of both aluminium intoxication and alcohol exposure is significant only in the case of acid phosphatase and glutathione-S-transferase activities of brain. Therefore, from the observations of the present investigation, it can be suggested that the general neurotoxicity produced by aluminium is not modified by alcohol. However, the aluminium load and oxidative stress, caused by aluminium exposure, may be influenced by alcohol co-exposure.

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