Chemical Analysis of Toxicological Sample: The Need of the Day


  • Manish Nigam*#
  • Rashmi Kulkarni*


chemical analysis; poisoning; poison control unit


Acute, deliberate self-poisoning with agricultural pesticides is a global public health problem. There is much need for early diagnosis and proper manage­ment in poisoning cases using supportive care and antidotes. In this view the analytical toxicology lab is very useful. The present study highlights the role of analysis of biological samples in toxicology labs of a tertiary care centre by summarizing a few interesting cases out of total 101 cases analyzed during a period between March 2011 to Feb 2014. This study also gives a review of certain important tests carried out in the toxicology lab and their outcome. 

In the poisoning cases, organophosphates accounted for the maximum number, while most of the remaining comprised Aluminium phosphide, zinc phosphide, alcohol and pyrethroids. The role of establishing poison control center/ Poison information centre in the region is also emphasized in preventing and controlling such poisoning events. 

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