Profile of Methyl Parathion Poisoning in Manipal, India


  • Palimar V
  • * Saralaya KM
  • **Arun M
  • *** Mohanty MK
  • **** Singh B***


methyl parathion, organophosphate, poison, suicide


The main objective of this study was to collect data with regard to the pattern of acute methyl parathion poisoning in this part of the world. One hundred and fifty three patients with organophosphate poisoning presented to Kasturba Hospital, Manipal between January 2001 and December 2002, out of which 58 cases (37.9%) were due to methyl parathion exposure. The commonest reason for poisoning was suicide (98.2%). A significant proportion of victims were male (72.4%), many in the 21-30 years age group (43.1%). In 77.5% of the cases, the poisoning incident occurred during daytime. Manifestations were predominantly muscarinic in nature, and the median value of serum pseudocholinesterase at admission was 2407.5 IU/L. Respiratory failure was the commonest complication (41.2%). 25.8% of the cases ended in death, and 40% of these succumbed within 24 hours of exposure.

Published Date
