Bioremediation of Coffee Pulping Waste-Water : An Anlytical Study
Hemanth Gowda K1, Praveenkumar I Inamadar#2, Ravikumar P3Abstract
Wastewaters from Coffee pulping are high in organic loadings and exhibit high acidity. The untreated effluents from coffee processing greatly exceed the self purification capacity of natural waterways. Therefore, in the present study Effective Microorganisms were used bioremediation of Coffee pulping wastewater. Firstly, the amount of sedimentable solids contributing to Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) loading of waste water was lowered. This was achieved during a sufficient time of acidification of sugars present in the waste water. After full acidification, the clear, acid wastewater was treated by natural limestone to lift the pH from around 4 pH to a pH to around 6. Further, at this pH levels, upward aerobic sludge tank digestion with use of Effective Microorganisms was carried out. The secondary treatment and consumption of phosphates was accomplished in a locally adopted constructed wetland using macrophytes. The wastewater tertiary clean up and dilution of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) loadings was achieved by leading waste waters through a pond of water hyacinths. Finally, after this multi step clean up, water was safe to release into natural waterways or for reuse for irrigation purposes