Death due to Ichthyotoxicosis: A Report of Death Following Consumption of Pufferfish


  • Pannag S Kumar*
  • Madhu SG Ghodkirekar**
  • Silvano Dias Sapeco**
  • Wiseman Pinto RG***
  • Premila Rocha***
  • Savio Rodrigues#
  • Maria Jose Rodrigues**


Ichthyotoxicosis; Pufferfish; Tetrodotoxin; Aeromonas hydrophila


Inadvertent consumption of toxic varieties of fish mistaken to be edible, results in the development of toxic signs and symptoms and fatality, and this phenomenon of toxicity by poisonous fish is referred

to as ichthyotoxicosis. Pufferfish is a variety of poisonous fish, which contains a potent toxin called “tetrodotoxin,” which is a neurotoxin. This case report deals with a case of poisoning following inadvertent consumption of pufferfish by a child. The child developed vomiting, altered sensorium and respiratory depression and was declared dead on arrival at the casualty despite emergency management. Histopathological examination revealed congestion and haemorrhages in the viscera, and blood culture showed growth of Aeromonas hydrophila.

Published Date
