An Autopsy Study of Morphological Changes in Liver in Suspected Insecticidal Poisoning
Carbamate; Histopathology; Insecticide; Liver; OC; OPC; Organophosphorus compound; Organochlorine compound; PesticideAbstract
'Hundreds of people die in India due to pesticide poisoning every year both in rural and urban areas. While a number of studies exist on clinical, forensic and analytical aspects, very few studies have been carried out on histopathological changes in various organs of those who have succumbed to various kinds of pesticides.
This work concerns itself with a detailed study of changes that occur in the liver due to pesticide poisoning [mostly insecticides, such as organophosphorus compounds (OPC), carbamates and organochlorine compounds (OCs)]. Of a total of 92 autopsies taken into consideration for this work, 81 cases revealed characteristic histopathological findings in liver, which varied with duration of survival.
This study could be of help to arrive at an opinion on the cause of death even in those autopsy cases where viscera have been dispatched for chemical analysis and the report is awaited.